Please feel free to browse around, share your comments and feedbacks regarding my prose and poetry. I would love to hear from you!


Taking life as it comes ....

Taking life as it comes ....
Be serene and yet cheerful ! It creates the beauty in you ......

Monday, July 25, 2011

Some more about my vacation .....

My vacation in Duluth will soon be over. The pictures I took of Ava and us will be great reminders of those happy, exciting, thrilling, productive, and significant outings, eat outs, and get togethers. I will surely miss my grandkid and the whole family when I go home to Vegas. It might take me another year to be able to visit them again. So, maybe, next summer again!!!

I Visited Maynard's Grave at Park Hill Cemetery

I visited Maynard's grave at Park Hill with Dina. Dina drove her car and visited Dale's and Mayn's gravesites. We were fortunate to have gone there in the morning, otherwise, we would have missed the chance, since it rained afterwards.


It was all great time in Duluth, MN. Marju and I had many chances of shopping and walking. The pictures you will see with these notes were taken while shopping at De Weitz Market right at Canal Park in Duluth.

Ava's Baptism on July 20, 2011


I'll Be Back to Vegas by Wednesday, July 27

I was able to visit Buhl, MN on a Friday afternoon. Jeannette drove and we proceeded to Lyndah & Henry's house in Mt. Iron, then, proceeded to Arlene & husband's house,(can't remember his name right now) for a visit. It has been awhile since I have met both couples.
It was a profitable visit, we've got to see their renovated house, (it used to be a Methodist Church) and the chance to watch the video of their new business.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011




My vacation in Duluth, MN is one-month long.(June 27-July 27)The weather had been so good typical of MN summer. Occasionally, it becomes very warm, and humid. Otherwise, it's perfect!! Nothing special is really happening unless there is a planned reunion/meeting with family and friends. So far, we celebrated July 4th weekend at the cabin of Ryan's parents in Cotton, close to Eveleth, MN. They celebrated it one day earlier, had grilling going on, the usual brats, hamburgers, and other kinds of sausage. It was done by Sandy & Joe, while Andy & Jill made onion rings and deep-fried fish. I was one of the guests, Bill & Diane were there, Ben and a couple of his friends, and some other couple friends and neighbors. The finale of the day/night was a GRAND FIREWORKS. The words are capitalized because I meant the fireworks to be grand. Sandy & Joe ignited them all by the lakeshore, and they just popped and bursted in the air. WOW! That is how I would describe the fireworks!! It was like the fireworks done in a very professional way. July 6-8 was the Duluth Sidewalk Sales. On these days, I stayed with Dina. She helped Raquel in her Sales Booth selling Thai-Dyed summer outfits, shirts, wrap-arounds, and others. I walked at the lakewalk along the shore of Lake Superior. FUN! There was a good amount of breeze, so it was good! I sweated at times and it felt great!! On Thursday, Marju came. We walked again along the lakeshore, then, went shopping at the Fitger's Hotel Complex. The items were good deals, a soft leather clogs for Marju, and a well-fit, soft material, red-plum colored tennis shoes for me. Still FUN!! Then, at the sidewalk sales, we got some clothes for baby AVA, and a Bead Maze, too. Those three days had been fruitful as we were able to accomplish a lot of things. I have more stories to come, FOLKS!!