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Taking life as it comes ....

Taking life as it comes ....
Be serene and yet cheerful ! It creates the beauty in you ......

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

SILENCE: a plus or a minus

Serenity: quiet and peace
so lull and dreary
Intimacy: state of passion revered
however weary
Love stands out as KEY
to lives of so many
Earthly desires and dreams inauthentic
always had been phony
No sense of direction
like tinker bells in tow
Communication at its' best
better shout and show
Exemplary behaviour in deep SILENCE
a dough
Excellence on things you do
The world will know
The world will glow.

Is silence a plus? Is silence a minus?
The real answer lies like cash that flow.

Is silence a plus? Is silence a minus?
"Silence is golden," people say so

Is silence a plus? Is silence a minus?
Silence runs deep, it goes down through.

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