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Please feel free to browse around, share your comments and feedbacks regarding my prose and poetry. I would love to hear from you!
Taking life as it comes ....

Be serene and yet cheerful ! It creates the beauty in you ......
Saturday, May 3, 2008
R emember May 28, 2006?
first time I heard your voice
jokingly you uttered,
"let's go dance, maybe afterwards we can have wild sex"..
O ffensive was it ... you must have thought
but "NO": no, no, no, it was not
I took it very lightly as you gave it
sent me a message, "You must be fun to be with."
G ot together, next few days came
to the dances we had lots of fun
to Denny's after dance where we shared
breakfast: eggs, sausages and buns
beginning friendship started to plant
within our hearts we knew it was just fine ...
E vening after evening we met and danced
evening after evening we talked and soon we found
we are for each other, we've always rhymed
no matter what we do we've always clicked and jived ...
R eminiscing our past always is a pleasure
looking back where it all began
the love that blossomed,
admiration for each other followed through
now, we're stuck we knew that
our love is so true ....
D evoted should you be?
Do you really love me?
doubts turned into fear
should you follow it through?
decision was made, scary thoughts erased
you knew God was in the midst
HE approved, " just be and do your best."
O utspoken you had been, you asked and asked
along the way you've found red flags
love dissipated, you wanted to break
but NO, your heart said, " You're making a mistake."
U nderscored is what it was
you misunderstood, misinterpreted
you thought I was very controlling
and too demanding
afterwards you realized, " No, she was not."
G ot back to your original feelings
you proved I was so lovable,
I was caring enough
love blossomed more after that hurt
better relations grew fast
like gold that rush ...
L ove we mentioned is a powerful force
with great love our relationship will last
faith sustains us, in life let's trust
God the Father in heaven will
always be with us
Hope, the third virtue we must live by
Hope will bring us together to even greater heights
let's walk with love, with faith, with hope
let's walk with GOD, that MUST be our thrust ...
A dream come true, you said I am
knowing now the truth behind
loving me, treating me like a Queen every night
the promised goal you have set
is for US to be ONE ...
S eriously have you and I become
clinging to each other with all our might
Today and forever the cherished love we have
to remain as faithful, sincere and true
Just like the love we have for God Almighty
In prayer we say, " Bless us Father, our Lord and King,
May our love for each other last".
Just like the unconditional love
you have for the two of us."
With much love,
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